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Photography Competition

This year’s National Geographic Travel Photo Contest is still under way, with entries being accepted for just one more day—the competition closes at noon ET on May 3. The grand-prize winner will be awarded $7,500. National Geographic was once again kind enough to allow me to share some of this year’s entries with you, gathered from three categories: Nature, Cities, and People. The photos and captions were written by the photographers and lightly edited for style.

Entrants in this year’s contest were invited to submit images that showcase Earth’s biodiversity and show some of the mounting threats to the natural world. These images originally appeared on bioGraphic, an online magazine about science and sustainability and the official media sponsor for the California Academy of Sciences’ BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition. The organizers were kind enough to share some of the winners and finalists here, selected from nearly 6,500 entries. The captions were written by the bioGraphic editorial staff, and lightly edited for style.


"L'essence des mathématiques, c'est la liberté." Georg Cantor

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